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What is Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)?
Paintless Dent Repair, or PDR, is the art of removing a dent or ding from auto body panels without the use of fillers and repainting. This is possible due to “memory” in today’s auto metals. PDR professionals use these physical properties of today’s flexible metals to massage the memory back to the way it was. It is this memory that gives cars their many curves, lines, and aerodynamic features. It is also this memory that makes those unsightly dents and dings we get from parking lots, storms and hail stones causing hail damage.
PDR professionals use these physical properties of today’s flexible metals to using paintless dent repair to massage the memory back to the way it was. After accessing the backside of the damaged panel, the technician is aided by very graphic lighting, enabling him or her to significantly improve or fully restore the panel to pre-accident condition, in as little as a few minutes per dent.